How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

How to Keep Your Liver Healthy

The liver is one of the most important organs in the human body. It performs critical metabolic functions, like processing and distributing nutrients. That is why your liver deserves the best liver tonic if you have any liver issues due to your lifestyle and eating habits. Diseases of the liver may also be caused due to infections such as hepatitis B and C or by genetic mutations. Other diseases can be triggered by autoimmune reactions or drug toxicity. Many liver diseases can put an individual at higher risk of developing liver cancer. To keep our liver healthy and away from toxicity, it is very important to have better knowledge of the best liver tonic or any Ayurvedic liver syrup since ancient Ayurvedic scriptures have many effective solutions for living a disease-free life. 

  1. Balanced Diet: Diet plays an important role in maintaining the good health of an individual. Consuming a diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and essential vitamins helps maintain a healthy liver.  
  2. Water Intake: Consuming appropriate quantities of water helps the body to flush out toxins, hence maintaining overall health and liver function. 
  3. Exercise Regularly: Everyday physical workout helps an individual to maintain adequate required weight. This eventually reduces the risk related to the liver- like non-alcoholic fatty liver. Besides this, there are various liver tonics available, such as Pravekliv,  that help maintain a healthy liver. 
  4. Regular Check-ups: To keep a watch on the proper functioning of the liver, it is very important to have regular check-ups.
  5. Liver Tonic: There are plenty of liver tonics available in the market these days for liver health. Among them, Ayurvedic liver syrups have given wonderful results in maintaining a healthy liver. One of the best liver tonic available is Pravekliv, which not only rejuvenates the liver but also helps prevent multiple infections and diseases. 



  1. Alcohol: Excessive consumption of alcohol might lead to severe liver damage. One should always keep a check on the quantity of alcohol consumed. And if anyone is already suffering from any liver disease, then one should stop alcohol consumption. This will help the liver and prevent further damage. It is also advisable, for people who drink, to consume healthy and natural liver tonics to lower the ill effects of alcohol. Pravekliv is a boon in this case.  
  2. Smoking: Smoking is harmful to the healthy liver. The harm caused due to excessive smoking may even lead to a deadly condition of liver cancer if ignored. So, it is always advised to regulate such unhealthy habits and incorporate some healthy habits such as detoxification of the body, eating a healthy diet, and consuming the best liver tonics like Pravekliv to keep your liver in a healthy state. 
  3. Stress: Stress is another barrier that impacts liver health very badly. Not only liver health, but stress also disturbs the overall body functions and leads to multiple health issues. So, it is recommended to keep strong control over stress and incorporate healthy habits like daily meditation, workouts, or yoga. 


Mainly there are two basic parameters of any health condition: Physical and Mental. Out of this maximum diseases are the result of poor digestion or low metabolic activities of the body. Once the digestive system gets disturbed, it will definitely lower the metabolism hence leading to multiple health issues like indigestion, gas, acidity, weight gain, and many more. Since the liver governs the digestive system, it is very important to keep a check on your liver health. 

If the liver is not functioning properly, due to any reasons, either physical or mental, it may lead to disease, sometimes deadly conditions as well. Loss of appetite, indigestion, alcoholic liver disease for alcohol consumers, non-alcoholic liver disease for those whose metabolism is poor but do not consume alcohol, fatty liver, liver cirrhosis, and much more. In some conditions, it is easy to reverse things naturally. Sometimes medical help is needed. So to protect your liver from such conditions it is better to take some healthy steps for your liver health. 


There are many ways to keep your liver healthy like consuming a healthy diet, regulating adequate amounts of water intake, consuming an iron and vitamin C-rich diet, and more importantly taking the best liver tonics


Anything that helps support good liver health, can be categorized under liver tonics. There are many liver tonics available in the market. Pravekliv is one of the best liver tonic in Ayurveda which helps in the fast recovery of a diseased liver and prevention of diseases as well.  

It is very important to note that to lead a happy life, one needs to be disease-free. Similarly, for a healthy lifestyle, it is very important that every organ of your body is functioning properly, especially your LIVER which is the basic need of healthy digestion and metabolism.  


Authored by:
Dr. Nikita Chaudhary
BAMS, MD (Ayu)  


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